The past two weeks started normally enough…
I have been playing squash at the sports center and coincidentally had just read something in a magazine that said people should not be afraid of muscle pain when first starting to exercise. I now fully understand what they were referring to! Ohhhhh – my back, feet, knees, arms and the hundreds of other parts that normally work just fine. I had to get up the night after and take a pain killer. But it was fun.
As many of you know, I went to Wales for a conference between the 11th and 14th of April. I got back on the 22nd – 8 days later than I had intended. The story goes like this:

Blackboard Conference
Two days were spent among my colleagues who work with Blackboard at educational institutions across the UK, throughout the EU, the United States and even one from Edmonton, Canada! I presented at the conference – you will find me on the second day in the main panel session. I think the most important thing that I learned from the conference was the skill set we need to develop within our team at KAUST.
'Doing London'
'Doing London'
When the conference was finished, I traveled back by train to London and checked into a ‘1-star’ hotel close to Paddington Station, the Gresham Hotel, which I found was just one of about 8 hotels side by side -- all part of the same long building. I guess the building used to be homes and they changed each into a hotel. [PHOTO] That evening I went for a long walk, which coincidentally passed through an Arab section of the city and stopped at an Italian Restaurant at the furthest point – some place close to Soho along Oxford Street. I spent two nights in the hotel and it was at this time that I learned of the ‘volcano with an unpronounceable name’ had erupted in Iceland and was sending an ash cloud over the UK and flights in and out of Heathrow were canceled.
The Animal Art Fair
Elsen, my brother who lives in Kenya and his wife Amy, were also in the city and I took the underground down to Putney Bridge and walked a few blocks to meet them at the Animal Art Fair where Amy was exhibiting her work. To reduce expenses now that I had found that my stay was to be longer than I had intended, and also because the low-end hotels were all suddenly fully booked as people moved from expensive hotels to less expensive ones to stretch their funds, I moved to Amy’s cousin’s place, Camellia and family. With a hotel stay between, I spent two days at their place. I took the tube all over the place spending one day with Elsen browsing the shops. In full, I spent three days at Fulton Palace where the art show was held – it was lovely to listen to the churches chiming the hour as I wondered around the garden and along the Themes River – much like a call to prayer, but more melodious.
At the end of the show, Elsen and Amy were booked into a hotel and I had been offered a bed ‘out of London’ with Amy’s brother, Cren. So, it was back to Paddington by Tube, then Reading by train and a change to another train to reach the village of Kintbury. I stayed at Cren’s place for the night.
I was getting the distinct feeling that I was experiencing what it was like for children during the Blitz in London when they were shipped out to the farms for safety. Homes were being opened for me and I was given a genuine welcome. Cren and I walked that evening along the Kennet & Avon Canal. I greeted a few of the people traveling along the canals in barges and one friendly elderly man gave me a magazine on barging in Britain and then called me back as we were walking away and gave me an article on the history of the canal that he had written. I WANT to do a barge trip some day! Here is a short video showing a family moving from lower down in the canal to a higher level. They had moved into the lock, closed the back gate, flooded the lock, floating up on the rising water and what you see in this video, is the opening of the lock gates at the front of their barge as they move out.
Cren was off into London the next day for work and Amy’s parents dropped by around 10:30 – just enough time for me to have another walk along the canal for a few more photos.
Gillem and Beverley then took me to their home. Oh!!! And what a wonderful place! Thatch roof, and history. The single structure (left building in the image) used to be two, where one of the original buildings was the bakery for the estate. We are talking hundreds of years old here… I found myself in a meditative state and drawn to the back yard where I could look down the valley while sitting in the soft deep sponge-like grass and listen to all the birdlife with the garden pool beside me, while my eyes caught the flashes of movement in the valley below -- could be a pheasant, rabbits or birds foraging in the undergrowth. I love spring time! In the evening the Munt Jac (small antelope the size of a smallish German Shepherd dog) came out of the brambles to graze along the edges of the field.

My dream-state became reality on the flight back to Saudi Arabia. Many travel to Saudi at any time of the year, for a short pilgrimage called ‘Umrah’. As with the more well-known pilgrimage, the Haj, the men remove their western attire and put on a white terrycloth robe. Most have two parts, one around their waist and the other over their shoulders. On occasion only one is worn. I realized I was traveling back when I was bumped by someone walking down the isle of the plane and I opened my eyes to see a rather LARGE man moving down the aisle towards me on the way to the restrooms just behind me. He was one of those who only had one robe – and for all to see, he had blue Y fronts… Maybe he was just in a hurry to get to the ‘loo’? Anywhere else, this kind of ‘exposure’ would definitely land a person in the good hands of security. Here… it is just part of our day.
Odds and Ends
I finally got bike license. If you are interested to calculate how long it took, you can scan back in my Blog … Now… should I get a bike or not? Hmmmm And, I really should get back to playing Squash or all the pain will be for not.
Photo Story:
I have an accompanying photo story for this blog if you want to get a better idea of the 'look and feel' of where I went.
Photo Story:
I have an accompanying photo story for this blog if you want to get a better idea of the 'look and feel' of where I went.